Brother Inquisitor on 3/2/2014 at 21:11
Exhibit D( Press X to youtube
(Can't vote for that one in the poll, sorry! Had no idea this existed back when I created this thread. I'm sure it would have given Exhibit C some serious competition.)
Which one do you consider the most troubling?
Queue on 3/2/2014 at 21:16
I'm not in love with the idea of small, claustrophobic levels, either. But, large levels can be awful if poorly constructed.
And neither here nor there on 'A'. The guy is playing on a console...I too will be playing it on a console....
Nuth on 3/2/2014 at 21:27
I'm going to say "C" because it suggests they took TDS as their model instead of the far superior first two games.
Nuth on 3/2/2014 at 21:36
Well, Freyja did say she hurried through the level just to produce that screen for people to see.
Pyrian on 3/2/2014 at 21:43
Big deal - he got through the level "quickly" while taking virtually none of the loot.
Renault on 3/2/2014 at 21:46
And only being detected twice.
Still, they may have even gone into some type of development or god mode, I suppose.
Nuth on 3/2/2014 at 21:53
She said it was the first mission. Maybe it's an easy, training mission.
Brother Inquisitor on 3/2/2014 at 22:00
Quote Posted by Brethren
How bout this one
It doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world. One could beat Lord Bafford's manor in less than 45 seconds, so I'm unfazed in that regard. IF however these 07:17 are any indication to the kind of length you can expect from a first time playthrough, then colour me (even more) worried.
While I cast my vote for C, I also have to agree with what Queue said about large levels being awful if poorly constructed (case in point: Soulforge, which I've always hated, hated, HATED with a passion.).
Raven on 3/2/2014 at 22:10
God, they are all awful! I guess A is to be expected as we know it is a console game. We can hope C is subjective and D can be explained as a speed run of the first level... but "stealth unlock"? I hope that comes straight after the annoying AMD or NVidia mandatory, unskippable intro video.