Renzatic on 14/5/2016 at 23:45
Hey, Judith. Out of curiosity, have you ever futzed around with Substance Designer? I'm riding the 30 day trial, and after just a couple of tutorials, I've already managed to make this on my own...
( Here
With a bit of tweaking, you could make tons of textures that'd fit right in T3ed with only a minimal amount of effort.
Judith on 15/5/2016 at 08:10
Hey Renz, funny you should mention that, I was thinking about getting it. I watched a few videos on their YT channel recently, pretty impressive stuff. And the node-based interface reminds me of the material editor in UDK, which I always liked.
Now I'm trying to focus more on rendering textures from meshes, to get the effect you often see in From games, like physical tiles and bricks mixed with tiled textures:
Inline Image:
bikerdude on 16/5/2016 at 19:21
@Judith, very impressive work.
Bikerdude on 7/3/2021 at 12:58
The image link is broken fella.
mcmike1489 on 19/9/2022 at 09:20
What's new about the T3ed editor on here these days? I know, this game doesn't get very much attention when it comes to new upcoming fan missions unfortunately.