Arch Fenster on 9/1/2025 at 00:07
Hey folks! Happy New year and all that jazz!
After Iikka and I left Looking Glass we went and did other stuff but mainly indie games.
Shameless promotion:
One of them is on sale right now during GOG's Indie Games Only sale for 99 cents!Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (2005) is the sweet spot sequel to our earlier space game,
Strange Adventures in Infinite Space (2002), and followed by
Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars (2015).
These are space sci fi roguelites with graphics, sound and real-time (but pausable) naval style conflicts. They're kind of like animated boardgames with combat sequences. The "gimmick" if you will is that they are played to completion in about half an hour. (Btw, there's more content than can be experienced in a single session.)
Go ahead and take a look at the ( GOG Weird Worlds page for info and screenshots and such.
And remember:
Happiness is a warm particle vortex cannon.
Nicker on 13/1/2025 at 03:24
I bought it. Haven't had time to play yet. I will let you know.