nickie on 21/12/2017 at 20:06
We made a start in discussing reorganising Thief fora earlier this year but life gets manic and it rather fell by the wayside. I don't know about a subforum, (we'll need to talk about that but I'm in favour of a joint something for Gen and FMs) but we do want to organise technical information, including mods, so that all the information people need for Thief or fan missions is all in one place or directed to one place.
Realistically, I don't think any Thief moderators will be able to even think about this again before Spring next year. I'll pm you though, voodoo, to see if I can do anything to help in the meantime. Maybe lumping all the tech info into one sticky as a temporary measure might be useful.
nickie on 29/12/2017 at 23:51
I think we're going to try and get this up and running sooner than I mentioned, voodoo, and I'm thinking of bribing Al_B with a bottle of Lagavulin or similar to organise it for us. It seems that every day it becomes more logical and important to do it a.s.a.p.
voodoo47 on 16/11/2018 at 18:59
heey, look what got buried and forgotten for almost a year. maybe it's finally time to turn it into some sort of proper sticky somewhere?
nickie on 16/11/2018 at 19:24
You're absolutely right. I've 'dropped the ball' as they say on just about everything over the last 3 years. Not for want of love for TTLG or for organising things better but lack of energy mostly.
I doubt anyone who is up for the reorganisation, which is needed in Fan Missions as well, will be able to give any attention to this until after the TDP 20th Anniversary contest is over so perhaps you could you bump the thread in the middle of December to remind me to get a move on but in the meantime, I will start a staff thread about it so hopefully we don't forget that reorganisation is something we've been meaning to do for at least the last five years!