epithumia on 9/3/2005 at 15:14
Any particular reason why the new layout only takes up about half of the browser window? Well, actually it takes up a fixed amount of the browser window which for me happens to be far smaller than the available space.
scumble on 9/3/2005 at 16:23
If the content window is too wide it's not so comfortable to read - an old typesetting rule.
Do you have the browser maximised at high resolution? Which browser?
I made a slight change that might accommodate various tastes, but it can be tricky catering for very high resolutions.
epithumia on 9/3/2005 at 16:41
Quote Posted by scumble
If the content window is too wide it's not so comfortable to read - an old typesetting rule.
These days it's usually left up to the browser to render the text, isn't it?
Quote Posted by scumble
Do you have the browser maximised at high resolution? Which browser?
Well, yeah. My display is 2880 pixels wide, but I normally keep the browser window about 1000 pixels wide. I'm running a relatively recent Mozilla.
scumble on 9/3/2005 at 18:54
I've had trouble getting the content layer to behave itself in IE, so I fixed it at 700 pixels wide. At least that way there's some control ;)
Stardog on 11/3/2005 at 19:44
Loving the new layout. I use a res of 1400x1050, so the new width is great.
David on 19/3/2005 at 17:08
Today the wiki passed the 20,000 visits marker.
Yay! :D \o/
silsor on 23/3/2005 at 16:37
I just found out today that the Thief 3 editing tools have been released. What a blast! I set up an account on the wiki. I hope I can find enough time with school and all to participate!
Wow, this wiki is weird. I've been an admin on Wikipedia for about a year and a half and this is like travelling back in time. I can understand though since getting Mediawiki to run on Windows sounds like a chore.
silsor on 26/3/2005 at 21:14
Can an admin replace GraphicsCardIssues with T3edTroubleShooting on the front page? It covers GraphicsCardIssues and a lot more common problems.
OrbWeaver on 27/3/2005 at 12:19
Can an admin edit wikka.css to remove the fixed pixel sizes for fonts and replace them with relative sizes? This means that the browser can select a size based on user preferences and screen DPI, rather than being forced into a certain size by the web page (which results in missing characters on my Linux + Firefox combo).
scumble on 29/3/2005 at 08:26
Missing characters? It seems odd to have to alter the style sheet to get it to work with your machine. Sure you haven't got some trouble with your fonts? I've not personally had this sort of trouble using Linux, so while it may "fix" your problem, I suspect some underlying issue.