Azaran on 5/6/2024 at 15:04
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A new extract from the Book of Paths
"Beware the allure of the false path, for it is paved with illusions. The false path whispers promises of power, wealth, and ease, but leads only to ruin and despair. It entices the weak and ensnares the unwary, feeding on their ignorance and fear.
The true path, though fraught with trials and challenges, offers no such deceptions. It is a path of humility, discipline, and enlightenment. To walk the true path is to embrace wisdom over folly, courage over fear, and truth over deceit.
To discern the false from the true, one must seek within and confront the shadows of their own soul. Only by understanding the nature of these shadows can one illuminate the way forward. The true path requires sacrifice, but in sacrifice lies the key to ultimate freedom. Remember, the false path is easy to find and difficult to leave; the true path is difficult to find but brings eternal peace."Hammerite prayer to exorcise a place:
In the Name of the Builder, I summon His divine strength to this place,
For His forge is ever burning, and His anvil is ever ringing.
He who shapes the world with His holy Hammer,
Cast out all that is unclean and corrupted by darkness.
By the sacred Iron Will of the Builder,
Let all shadows flee, and let all evil be smitten by His righteous Hand.
As the hammer strikes the anvil, so shall His justice strike down the wicked.
No malefic spirit may withstand the might of His creations,
For His works are pure and His light unyielding.
O Builder, who sees all and knows all,
By Thy holy flame, cleanse this place of all impurity.
By Thine enduring strength, drive out the Trickster who seeks to desecrate Thy domain.
May Thy light pierce through every shadow, and Thy strength shatter every chain.
In Thyname, O Builder, we banish these dark forces,
And consecrate this ground to Thine eternal glory.
Let the hammer fall and the forge blaze,
Forever and ever, as it was built to be.
( Compendium of Natural Magic, VII
1. Silverleaf
Appearance: A delicate plant with silvery leaves that shimmer in the moonlight.
Magical Uses:
Invisibility: When crushed and mixed with moonwater, Silverleaf can create a potion of invisibility.
Clairvoyance: Burning Silverleaf as incense can enhance one's ability to see into the future or past.
2. Bloodroot
Appearance: A plant with dark red roots and deep green leaves.
Magical Uses:
Healing: When ground into a paste, Bloodroot can be applied to wounds to accelerate healing.
Protection: Hanging dried Bloodroot above doorways repels malevolent spirits and curses.
3. Nightshade Blossom
Appearance: A flower with dark purple petals and a deep blue core.
Magical Uses:
Dreamwalking: Consuming a tea brewed from Nightshade Blossom allows the drinker to enter and control their dreams.
Shadow Manipulation: When combined with shadow essence, it grants the ability to manipulate and travel through shadows.
4. Starfall Petal
Appearance: A bright blue flower with petals that glow faintly in the dark.
Magical Uses:
Teleportation: Crushing the petals and mixing them with stardust can create a teleportation powder.
Levitation: When incorporated into a charm, it grants the wearer the ability to levitate for short periods.
5. Frostfern
Appearance: A fern with ice-blue fronds that never melt, even in warm temperatures.
Magical Uses:
Elemental Control: Frostfern can be used in rituals to gain control over ice and snow.
Preservation: Placing Frostfern in containers can keep food and other perishables fresh indefinitely.
6. Embervine
Appearance: A vine with fiery red leaves and a warm, glowing core.
Magical Uses:
Fire Resistance: Wearing a bracelet made from Embervine can protect against fire damage.
Pyrokinesis: When infused into a wand, it allows the wielder to control and create fire.
7. Whispering Willow
Appearance: A tree with silver bark and leaves that seem to whisper secrets when the wind blows.
Magical Uses:
Communication: Carving a wand from Whispering Willow wood allows the user to communicate telepathically over long distances.
Secrecy: Placing Whispering Willow leaves under one's pillow can ensure that one's thoughts remain private and protected from mind-reading spells.
8. Moonwort
Appearance: A plant with luminescent white flowers that bloom only under a full moon.
Magical Uses:
Lunar Magic: Moonwort is essential in spells and rituals that draw power from the moon.
Transformation: When brewed into a potion, Moonwort can temporarily transform the drinker into an animal of their choice.Same text, on the kinds of glowing mushrooms and their virtues.
Chapter IX: The Luminous Fungi of Enchantment
In this chapter, we delve into glowing mushrooms, whose bioluminescent properties have been harnessed by mages for centuries. These fungi thrive in the darkest corners of the world, illuminating paths both literal and mystical.
1. Luminara Cap
Appearance: A mushroom with a broad, pale yellow cap that emits a soft, golden glow.
Magical Uses:
Light Source: Luminara Cap can be used as a natural lantern, providing a steady, gentle light in dark places.
Energy Infusion: When added to potions, it can enhance the potency of spells by imbuing them with radiant energy.
2. Starlight Shroom
Appearance: A delicate mushroom with tiny, white spots that twinkle like stars on its deep blue cap.
Magical Uses:
Navigation: Consuming a small amount of Starlight Shroom can grant the ability to navigate even the most confusing labyrinths and forests.
Astral Projection: When dried and powdered, it aids in rituals that allow one's spirit to travel to other planes of existence.
3. Moonlit Mycelium
Appearance: A network of thin, white threads that glow with a silvery light, often found spreading across damp cave floors.
Magical Uses:
Stealth: Wearing a cloak woven with Moonlit Mycelium renders the wearer nearly invisible in moonlight.
Dream Enhancement: Sleeping on a bed of Moonlit Mycelium can enhance the vividness and lucidity of dreams.
4. Emberglow Fungus
Appearance: A robust mushroom with a bright red cap that glows like embers in a fire.
Magical Uses:
Heat Generation: Placing Emberglow Fungus in a room can warm the area, making it useful in cold environments.
Firecraft: Infusing it into wands or staffs enhances fire-based spells, increasing their intensity and duration.
5. Faelight Fungus
Appearance: A mushroom with an iridescent, multi-colored cap that shifts hues like a rainbow.
Magical Uses:
Illusion Crafting: Using Faelight Fungus in potions or spells can create powerful illusions, capable of fooling even the keenest senses.
Glamour: When mixed into a salve, it can grant temporary beauty and charm to the wearer.
6. Nightshade Glow
Appearance: A dark purple mushroom with a soft, eerie glow that seems to pulsate.
Magical Uses:
Necromancy: Nightshade Glow is essential in rituals involving communication with the dead or raising the deceased.
Protection: It can be used in protective charms to ward off dark spirits and malevolent entities.
7. Verdant Glowcap
Appearance: A bright green mushroom with a vibrant glow, often found in enchanted forests.
Magical Uses:
Nature Magic: Verdant Glowcap enhances spells related to growth, fertility, and the rejuvenation of plant life.
Healing: It can be ground into a paste to create a powerful healing salve that accelerates recovery from injuries.
8. Shadowlight Shroom
Appearance: A mushroom with a black cap that emits a faint, dark glow, creating shadows rather than light.
Magical Uses:
Shadow Magic: Shadowlight Shroom is used in spells that manipulate darkness, conceal objects, or create shadows.
Mind Cloaking: Ingesting it can shield one's mind from telepathic intrusion and mind-reading.
downwinder on 11/6/2024 at 04:22
azaran i request some amazing "Captain Davidson" on his ship in some amazing dock with rare spice in those red bags :)
downwinder on 18/6/2024 at 01:15
wow azaran i never could imagine so much rare spice, looks like he is on his back back to the city :)
mxleader on 18/6/2024 at 01:34
Quote Posted by Silentor
Makes video not only from text but and from image:
Very short life for our Garrett this AI has created:
Thief: The Blunder Years :laff:
Azaran on 22/6/2024 at 17:27
Cellarer Abrucha's reply to Adept Haseki Beyzar:
Dear Adept Haseki Beyzar,
Thank you for your note and the reminder regarding the chemicals and animals for our upcoming experiments.
I have already begun preparing the chemicals you requested, and they will be ready for collection in time for young Lucca's arrival in two days. I will ensure that one of my most capable helpers accompanies him to assist with the transport and to ensure everything arrives in good condition.
Regarding the animals, I have managed to secure the 3 goats and the camel without issue. However, obtaining a burrick has proven to be more challenging than anticipated. The local traders are wary of dealing with such creatures due to recent incidents. I am still working on this and hope to have positive news soon. If there are any alternatives or additional instructions you can provide, I will make every effort to fulfill them.
Please let me know if there is anything else you require or if there are any changes to the current plans.
Yours sincerely,
Cellarer AbruchaQuote Posted by downwinder
wow azaran i never could imagine so much rare spice, looks like he is on his back back to the city :)
He cut it with parsley and other random dried herbs. He's hoping to sell off all the product, make a fortune, and then sail off to retirement before the spiceheads realize they got stiffed