qolelis on 30/3/2021 at 12:55
Quote Posted by Nameless Voice
TO DO: List of released immersive sims, just as soon as we agree on what exactly is and isn't an immersive sim.
So, never, in other words. ;)
I can contribute by mentioning (
The Occupation.
Anarchic Fox on 30/3/2021 at 14:55
Thanks for making this useful thread, Nameless Voice. :thumb:
Jeshibu on 30/3/2021 at 15:09
Tried Peripeteia's demo, but it's rough. Imagine EYE Divine Cybermancy but 10 times as janky, with no idea where to go. Couldn't find any sneaky ways other than shooting someone from the dark, having the entire armed guard team swarm (taking the long way around) the location the shots came from, and making a run from there to where I needed to go. There's also a lot of messed up culling portals that they need to fix, and at one point I couldn't progress because the doors to where I assumed I was supposed to go didn't render from a distance, nor were they interactable up close. It's also very dark and using your night vision takes from your finite energy reserves. I raided the bar's liquor supply (incorrectly marked empty bottle) while the bartender watched and said nothing. I sold the liquor for a flashlight that doesn't do enough to illuminate the really dark areas. A hobo spotted me and made a beeline for me. He made the reticle turn red, but just stood there while the TRESPASSING indicator on my hud lit up. I shot him in the head and nobody was around to care. I tried finding a back way into my objective but eventually gave up and shot a guard a short distance away from two others, who started rotating left and right without animating on the spot, in sync. Then I shot a barrel next to them and they blew up.
Yeah, this one needs a lot of work. I'm still interested though, I like Sewerslvt's music and the aesthetic they're going for.
One last protip if anyone else is trying this: F is interact, but holding F is picking stuff up.
henke on 31/3/2021 at 14:42
Oh yeah, that reddit thread reminded me of the existence of Consortium: The Tower. A game which everyone forgets. I even played through the alpha ages ago, liked it, and still forgot. Here's (
https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146288) the TTLG thread on it. The devs are still working on it, and it should definitely go on the list.
Also, is Teardown an immsim? It just presents a set of systems, gives you a goal, and then you're free to accomplish that goal however you see fit. Tho as for the overall plot you don't have much choice, rather you just have to go along with the predefined script. (then again, that was also true for Thief)
edit: also, Cruelty Squad? Has anyone played (
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1388770/Cruelty_Squad/) Cruelty Squad yet? It's apparently hot shit.
demagogue on 31/3/2021 at 14:59
We can get the definition war, er, debate rolling...
I think the first thing to note with the definition question is that there are two ways to take it.
(1) By the set of features that combine "immersive" (realistic 3D world that you're in and can manipulate) and "simulation" (open world, problems not puzzles, lots of verbs other than just shooting, systems work like they're supposed to, fire & water spread, the world goes on without the player, etc.).
(2) An actual historical lineage of games that share a way of thinking or philosophy in the gameplay, starting with Origin > LGS > Irrational, Eidos, Ion Storm > Arkane > ???. Ideas like: respect the player, let the player make their own game instead of railroading or spoonfeeding them; more like adventure game, not so much an RPG or FPS; have combination locks set to 451; a kind of moody, cool, dark visual style; guys in black trench coats / cloaks; games made by MIT-grad hobbyists for other MIT-grad hobbyists like them; etc.
I think disagreement comes from people coming on one side or another. Games like Teardown or Skyrim & Fallout fit in (1), but less in (2). I'm playing Control right now, and it fits more or less in (2) but not (1). Arkane is of course the main studio that's staying more or less true to both sides of that coin.
Nameless Voice on 31/3/2021 at 16:07
That was part of the reason why I went with in-development games only, it saves on a bit of the debate-war!
I think I'll probably divide the "released" list into groups of different types of games, so something like Hitman would be on there, but would be in a section for non-first-person games. That's probably the best way to handle it.
I left Cruelty Squad off the list because I thought it was released, but it looks like it's still in Early Access, so yes, I should definitely add it.
Jason Moyer on 7/4/2021 at 11:41
Malf on 7/4/2021 at 21:25
I see no-one's mentioned Elderborn, which is like Dark Messiah had a baby with Dark Souls. There's a modern Doom influence in the music too.
It's great!
Renault on 8/4/2021 at 13:59
That looks more hack and slash than immersive sim.