Toxicfluff on 13/9/2007 at 21:54
Bloody hell! That's a stash alright.
Two pellicles as well, eh? Considering that was tied with mama's beads as being both one of the rarest and IMO the hardest artefacts to find, I wish it was a bit more useful (and valuable).
The modified groza chambered to use the AK was a weapon that stuck around in my loadout for ages.
D'Arcy on 13/9/2007 at 22:23
The modified Groza is my favourite weapon, and I use it and abuse it. I only ditch it when I finally decide it's time to go to the NPP.
Pellicles aren't that hard to get. You can always get one from Sakharov if you perform the mission of bringing him a Fireball. And those are quite common. Mama's Beads are a lot harder to find. As far as I know there are only three possibilities of finding/getting them. One is near the transition point from the Dark Valley to the Garbage, the other one is given to you by Snitch at the Bar if you kill a Stalker for him, and finally you can find a third one if you're lucky enough to find information about Fang's stash in Pripyat - and this is VERY hard to achieve.
Koloboks are another one of the rarer artifacts. Usually I only find them in a stash at the Red Forest or Yantar.
242 on 13/9/2007 at 22:46
Man, shots in the first post look so much better than visuals when one plays in static lightning mode that it makes me want to scream.
D'Arcy, are you going to salt all those artifacts or what? :)
Bjossi on 15/9/2007 at 14:12
D'Arcy, you are going to tell me where you find all those artifacts pronto! ;)
D'Arcy on 15/9/2007 at 15:20
The difficult part isn't finding them. I always get a stash like that in the lab at Yantar. I always make sure to clear every stash marker from an area before leaving it, and that usually gives me a lot of artifacts.
The annoying part is actually moving them there. I never sell an artifact to anyone but the scientists. So I accumulate the artifacts in stashes near the transition points, then slowly start moving them to Yantar whenever I can.
Sinister_Evil on 15/9/2007 at 16:50 that a DRIVABLE jeep in Toxicfluffs 3rd pic?
D'Arcy on 15/9/2007 at 23:55
He must be using a mod that enables vehicle driving.