Sneaky Upgrade Editor Edition: Unofficial patches for T3Ed and friends - by snobel
snobel on 7/7/2012 at 14:40
Here's a set of patches for the Thief 3 editor executables. Originally the main objective in this context was to make the editor installation independent of the game, removing the need for Thief3Launcher, and also allow you to run several independent editor installations in parallel. But a bit of new functionality has been added...
Features:* Property storage has been expanded from the original 61440 slots to 1 million in all executables
* T3Ed file browsers will now remember the last-used paths (to the extent that Windows will let them...)
* All logs have been moved to a dedicated folder, now always using the name "sound.xml" to prevent old sound logs piling up
* Removed attempts to make network connections, which would trigger a firewall message
* When exiting the trigger script manager i T3Ed, only scripts that have been edited are written out - much faster!
* T3Ed no longer loads Options.ini, preventing a Viktoria error caused by the MultiSampling setting
* IBT/GMP/shader export function
* Launch the game exe without going through a .bat file (which would not work in some cases)
* Ignore the ION_ROOT and SaveGamePath registry keys. Savegames, user options, generated IBTs etc. are kept in the root of the editor installation
* Increased stack sizes in T3Ed to hopefully avoid stack overflow Viktoria errors
* "Radii View" is on by default for all views in T3Ed
* Added triggerscript actions for setting ambient light, skybox light and fog, and the internal map name
* Basic widescreen functionality in the 'opt' version of the game exe
* The 'opt' version of the exe now has a "propstatus" console command to monitor property use
* The 'opt' version has a better fly mode, accessed by pressing Delete. Shift + Delete returns you to where you last changed the mode
* In fly mode, the PrintScrn key takes full sets of screenshots for cubemaps / environment maps
Download:Current version 1.1.11: ( Download - ( Release post
Instructions:If you haven't already, set up the editor: Make a full copy of your game in a neutral location, like C:\Games\Thief3Ed. Then extract the ( editor pack into that folder. Click Yes when asked to merge or overwrite. Then install this patch, make sure to browse to the folder above for installation, because the installer will normally suggest your game installation, which should not be used. (
This video shows how to set it up, using a Steam game install on Windows 10 - it's
very easy! :)
Installation should be straightforward. The installer will detect and uninstall any current installation. The start menu group is shared with the game edition.
The Editor Edition can be installed to more than one location, in case multiple editor installations are in use. But the various shortcuts are only available for the first installation and only the first installation can be removed through the control panel. (To remove a specific instance, open the root of that editor installation, go to the SneakyUpgrade\Uninstall folder and execute the uninstaller directly.)
After installation T3MainReleaseVersion.exe (launched through Build > Play Level with Game Exe, previously 'Send to XBox') will be identical to the one installed as Thief3.exe (renamed from T3Main.exe) by the ( Game Edition. It will detect that it's running under the name T3MainReleaseVersion.exe and adjust its behaviour for use in an editor context.
When using FMSel for FM loading there's a feature to allow the FM to override certain settings in the SneakyOptions.ini file which is copied in when the FM is installed. This is relevant if your FM has custom movies or loading screens, or if the mechanical eye zoom
with the overlay is known to work in the FM. Please see the readme for details.
The File > Export IBT and GMP menu item will make the game exe generate IBT files for the current map and then quit. By default the .ibt files, the corresponding .gmp and any extra shader files needed are moved/copied/renamed into an
ExportedMaps folder structure within the editor installation. But it can also target an FM folder directly, for test with the game installation and FMSel. See the release post or the readme for details.
Because of the increased property storage limit (the value of one million is quite arbitrary), much larger maps are now possible, although build time, loading time or something else emerging in T3Ed is expected to set a practical limit around 2-3 times the size of the combined Cradle map in T3 Gold.
Judith on 7/7/2012 at 19:06
Nice idea! I get the error when loading the editor:
((HRESULT)(Direct3DDevice8->SetViewport(&ViewportInfo)) >= 0)
After testing the map in the game mode (Send to xbox command) all my viewports are empty. Using the Play map icon doesn't work. Maybe there's something wrong with my setup.
Btw. Is it intentional to have 2 T3Ed.exes in the Task Manager? :)
[EDIT] I had Sneaky upgrade installed in the editor, I removed it, also cleared all the logs and deleted editorprefs.ini. There's no error any more, but I still get empty viewports after launching the game from the editor.
[EDIT2] I deleted all the exes and used those from the original Editor package, patched them and copied to my System folder. Now everything works like charm. Looks like my install had some altered files or configs i forgot about :p Sticking to the manual resolves everything ;)
Btw2. Is it the placebo effect or the loading times and the overall editor performance got faster? ;) Anyway, good work, keep it up :)
snobel on 8/7/2012 at 05:54
Glad you got it sorted out. If you start T3Ed directly it may be possible to briefly see two instances in the task manager because of the way it restarts itself if T3 is not running. But there should be only one when it's up and running normally.
Performance improvements must be placebo, or maybe you got something else cleaned up in the process? :) There is a tiny bit of processing time saved because of the eliminated registry calls (which happen all the time for some reason). But I'd be surprised if it was enough to be noticeable.
@Beleg: Thanks for the links, the patch must be for the one with the larger SM browser. I'll adapt it to other versions if there's a need, it shouldn't be too hard.
Beleg Cúthalion on 8/7/2012 at 08:32
Yeah right, I have the original one now. Would be nice if you have the time. I'll probably also ask you for a simple patched exe file so I don't have to do the roll-back to vanilla T3Ed before patching. :p Lazy me.
Judith on 8/7/2012 at 09:43
:idea: Also, it would be really nice to have the wide-screen patch for the editor in this package as well (if possible) ;) You know, just to eliminate errors and have everything installed in the right order.
snobel on 8/7/2012 at 11:34
Which patch do you have in mind? T3Ed.exe does not need a widescreen fix, does it? If you mean for T3MainOptVersion, in the end I'll probably give in and port the widescreen stuff to that version. It should be easy enough, only quite tedious...
@Beleg: See PM
Judith on 8/7/2012 at 16:06
Quote Posted by snobel
Which patch do you have in mind? T3Ed.exe does not need a widescreen fix, does it? If you mean for T3MainOptVersion, in the end I'll probably give in and port the widescreen stuff to that version. It should be easy enough, only quite tedious...
@Beleg: See PM
It doesn't have to be T3MainOptVersion, T3MainReleaseVersion will do, for some final testing and UI changes and movies. It's just for the sake of clarity and convenience. It's easy to mess up T3ed configuration as it is, so eliminating any additional installs is always a good idea :thumb:
snobel on 8/7/2012 at 16:51
Ah, OK - no problem then. The next version of the widescreen patch for the Release version will be able to co-exist with the Opt version. Then it will be included in an update to this release as well.