Please ask your basic (newbie) questions in here. - by scumble
LarryG on 23/7/2016 at 14:40
Interestingly, after relocating my savegames by reinstalling SU, all the savegames get rejected. They were working fine on my C: drive, but now appear to be no good on D:. I guess I should give up and start over clean again.
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\0B6C6C36-B371F60E-401AD80D-B34CA3A3-42D4849C
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\0C2B69A1-0D5F9D72-0AA03355-3B2135F8-9E2DA569
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\156C8D14-322ED99A-26A3D8E4-A438BC6B-5F3661EE
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\1DF5331A-87DFDF3B-EBD70052-A78C5C42-5E18568E
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\2775708F-540702F1-4FD4394E-65D0016D-42E74EBE
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\3AC664D0-98741AC0-2BF1C9AB-D320CFB7-738F05D0
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\4D358F1E-C6095651-E6BEB749-B5DB9EDE-78CD25FC
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\4FFE0816-54118665-DC6DF86D-1699A2C8-E129D09C
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\7A708680-BD0CF894-D3982637-233A9CAA-510EA2A4
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\8D0338E5-FE13D3A6-66E0F7D8-99A1A441-7728D558
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\948BC1C3-4C67532A-918FA64C-E226C7F5-355D0B37
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\B2A3D7CB-980A2655-CA8B1A13-D845625E-D2BC582D
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\CB3CED68-6BAFE4B6-91DEBC33-34C6E004-E91C7F59
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\D4683CEB-87BD9454-33E9FB4B-CE48F013-5E93BF1B
[Wrn] Savegame rejected (version): D:\Users\Public\Documents\Thief - Deadly Shadows\SaveGames-T3G-1.2\DC1E1E45-BC4E6642-BCC7A5BB-0B1006EE-01CAEBF6
snobel on 23/7/2016 at 15:48
No, your saves are probably for an earlier version of T3 Gold. Apologies for not warning about that, I assumed your saves were for the original game.
Do each of the weirdly-named folders contain a file named SaveGame.txt? If so, do they contain "T3G-1.2"?
Btw. I tried moving my own saves from a C: path to that same path on D: and they still load.
Edit: If there's no SaveGame.txt files, rename the SaveGames-T3G-1.2 folder to just SaveGames and disable the T3 Gold mod in the tweaker.
LarryG on 23/7/2016 at 15:59
Well, when I start using T3.exe , I can access the savegames (in fact any of the T3 launchers except Thief3Launcher.exe and Thief3.exe load the savegames), but I don't know which savegames store they are reading from, the C: ones or the D: ones. It is when I startup using the startmenu's Thief 3 with Sneaky Upgrade shortcut that the savegames get rejected. These are all original savegames. I'm using thief3savegames.rar that I found in this forum back in 2008 or so.
Oh, and, no, none of them have SaveGame.txt, neither the copies on C: nor the copies on D:.
snobel on 23/7/2016 at 16:18
That makes sense - you have SU 1.1.6 installed(?) so both T3.exe and T3Main.exe will launch the unpatched game and the saves will work. Launching Thief3*.exe or using the shortcut will launch the patched game, which will by default try to load those saves into T3 Gold.
Definitely try renaming the folder and disabling T3G as described above, if you didn't already. You can get the active location of the savegames from the log btw. - look for "Saves dir".
LarryG on 23/7/2016 at 18:25
Thanks. Disabling T3G did the trick.
15cjd15 on 3/4/2017 at 18:48
So I'm wanting to customize my AIs. I have a lady right now with the buns attached to her head by a rigid attachment, but I can't get rid of her old hair. So right now she has long hair with the buns sticking out the side. Thanks!:)
burningfire on 3/8/2017 at 19:28
can anyone help me to make a stackable inventory item (allready done) wich keeps during map change?
Everithing i tried the item was gone after map change.
szmotsu on 31/3/2020 at 07:51
Quote Posted by Judith
Um, one piece of advice: don't use 3dsmax 5.1 as your primary modeling tool. It's old and frustrating.
You can use any more recent version of 3dsmax, Modo, Maya etc. to create a model and map your textures correctly, then export the it in .obj format.
The specular is broken, it makes models look weird, and often they even don't react to lightning as they should. You can only imitate the wet look in diffuse or use cubemaps to fake reflections. Feel free to use this little guide of mine as a starting point for your further experiments: (
sorry for digging so depth (will i earn golden shovel?) but @Judith do You still have this tutorial or other ones for working with T3 modelling / materials etc? I dont want to try reinvent the wheel..
Legionum on 1/8/2020 at 16:54
I apologize for my English, I am writing via google translator.
I found out that a long time ago, user shadowspawn created programs for converting models. I found his website: (
But, I could not contact him. Does anyone have his contacts? Maybe he will agree to share the source codes of his programs.
I want to rebuild his programs for Linux.
snobel on 3/8/2020 at 07:34
Have you tried sending him a PM? According to his ( profile he last logged in a couple of weeks ago, so he's still around.
I'd like to see stuff ported to Linux btw. :)