Stingm on 22/4/2024 at 16:51
Got it thanks!
Eiji on 22/4/2024 at 17:35
this should get interesting...
downwinder on 22/4/2024 at 18:04
downloading now, very excited to play this today, will post update
and thank you so much mod for your hard work and all those who helped also
Kamlorn on 22/4/2024 at 18:37
Leeeeets goooo! Thanks a lot!
Lord Soth on 22/4/2024 at 19:11
The link is not working for me.
MrMunkeepants on 22/4/2024 at 19:30
Quote Posted by Lord Soth
The link is not working for me.
I just downloaded it, though there was a small network glitch (I just clicked "resume" on the browser downloads page and it finished).
Try again, and let us know specifics if it still doesn't work?
any time there is a long-lost anything that still seems to be thriving like this one, I have to wonder: how? supposedly no one knows where thy are, but there's a novice writing home to his mother... they can't be that lost, now can they?
downwinder on 22/4/2024 at 22:10
mission complete on expert 19/38 secrets,,,6078/8182 loot,,,7/7 pockets picked, 1 hour 51 min to complete
i enjoyed this mission, lots to explore, a lot is just for loot/secrets
hardest part was leaving :P
MrMunkeepants on 23/4/2024 at 04:07
Inline Image: lower factory levels are giving me flashes of Soulforge, but Soulforge didn't have AI images in frames throughout.
there is a particularly bad one near High Priest Coltus of a woman whose arms and/or head are facing the wrong way (I can't tell which way the body is pointing).
there's also some text that feels AI-generated, or at least very awkward - the uranium notes change from past to present tense and back a couple times.
downwinder on 23/4/2024 at 04:17
trying to complete final objective was hard in the sense of remembering how to leave, lol at pic yes those art pieces are amazing, i loved the fat tree and others
one section had the thief gold see through curtains, optional area to explore, also i wish the last part was way harder getting the amazing looking chalice wow very nice looking piece