Tomi on 29/10/2011 at 21:34
I'm sure that someone in this thread was having some trouble with getting LBA 2 to run on their modern system, but I can't seem to find such post now, so I may have been imagining the whole thing...
Anyway, I just spent half an hour trying to find my old LBA 2 CD (it was hidden between Championship Manager 97/98 and Magic Carpet on my old games shelf, but I couldn't remember that it was in a slim jewel case with no label on it), I installed it on my Windows XP and the game's running fine now! :D
I had to download and install ( this patch to fix a strange graphics bug, but apart from that I haven't had any other problems so far.
Oh god how I loved this game... I think it's about time I replayed it. :cool:
Pemptus on 29/10/2011 at 21:38
LBA2 ran just fine for me until I got the car on the desert island. Much fiddling with unofficial patches was required to make the damn thing steer correctly. I don't remember what I did exactly though.
Shadowcat on 30/10/2011 at 03:42
Quote Posted by Tomi
I'm sure that someone in this thread was having some trouble with getting LBA 2 to run on their modern system
That was probably me. Thanks for the info. As it happens, I was very happy to shell out for the GOG version, so my issues running the game have ceased :)
I was actually surprised to find that GOG's version ran via DOSBox, as my CD version was Windows-native. However, it may well be the case that the DOS version was also provided on the CD, and I simple never noticed because of the autorun installer kicking in. I haven't checked to see, but that would also have saved me some hassle if I'd realised!
PigLick on 2/11/2011 at 02:37
Ok the game loads fine, but I keep getting freezes and crash seemingly on dialog being spoken, so I am assuming its some sort of sound issue. Anyone got any ideas on this?
Oh yeh its for LBA2 btw.
Shadowcat on 2/11/2011 at 06:21
No idea, sorry. Be sure to ask on the GOG forums. GOG's tech support kinda sucks, sad to say, but you may as well fire them a line as well.
PigLick on 2/11/2011 at 07:56
Yeh I've already done that, its a weird one I cant find anything similar to it on google.
Tomi on 29/9/2024 at 19:47
The Little Big Adventure remake is coming out later this year! :cool:
There's a playable demo available right now, and I was hyped enough to do something that I haven't done in years - I played the demo! It seems to be a very faithful remake, in fact I think it's even a bit too faithful to the original game. Of course people on the Steam discussion boards are crying that it's nothing like the original and the game is ruined and it totally SUCKS, but... well, that's Steam discussion boards for you. In a way it's nice to recognise places and characters and scenes from the good old LBA, but in addition to the cool stuff they've also brought back the stuff that was already bad in 1994.
The new art style takes some time to get used to, but it's still very much LBA and I think it works! Some more detail here and there would be nice, because many places feel a bit dull, but I suppose they want to remain faithful to the original game again. They've gone and added a nose for Twinsen though, and he looks kinda weird now.
The gameplay still feels a bit unpolished, but hopefully they'll have more time to make some improvements there. Movement in general feels okay, but the animations are quite rough. The combat was never that great in LBA, and disappointingly it remains pretty much the same in the remake. Throwing the magic ball feels even less fun than it used to, but that's another thing that I truly hope that they'll fix for the release.
Tomi on 14/11/2024 at 15:27
The remake is out now and unfortunately I don't think that it looks so great. I watched some gameplay videos and I've seen people complain that the remake isn't faithful enough to the original, but I think that they should have changed things up a lot more to make this work. What worked in 1994 probably isn't good enough in 2024. Combat was pretty bad even in the original game, and it looks like they've kept it pretty much the same in the final release, which is odd and just disappointing.
The game doesn't look all bad, but it's hard to get excited about it, even though the original is one of my favourite games of the 1990's. I may still pick it up later, but not until it's on a big discount.