Let's rank your most to least favorite Fallout games, because everyone loves lists! - by Bucky Seifert
Mr.Duck on 18/11/2024 at 06:53
Welp, from my experience with the Fallout series, my ranking is the following:
Fallout: NV
Fallout 1
Fallout 3
Fallout 2 and 4, alas, I have not yet finished a playthrough of either one, so I cannot comment fairly on them.
DuatDweller on 20/11/2024 at 21:26
I also played
Into the deep, an adventure of miners who got missing when found something down there, your mission is to go and find them.
You need to go near Nipton further south.
The Abandoned Complex, is near Ivanpah dry lake, I wont go into details, but is a bit cramped there, and very maze like.
Children of the Sun, you have to do some quests to find the keys to a vault. Unfortunately the most fun part is outside the vault.
Short but relatively good. Look at the wrecked car at Ivanpah dry lake.
Skinwalker, nice but short police style investigation (might conflict with Th3 Overseer mods, disable them), well done.
Start at the Mormon Fort in Freeside and talk to Alejandra.}
City of adventurers Redux, to start get to the 188 trading post, and toward Boulder City. There parked on the road you shall find a vertibird, there are no voice files, so talk to the pilot and get to the destination.
DuatDweller on 24/11/2024 at 00:06
I have replayed A Quest For Heaven 3, and 2, soon I'll replay 1 also. This is for Vanilla Fallout 3 with FOSE and Abbreviated Effects Mod or else a CTD is instantaneous.
Number 3 is quite demanding for CPU and Video resources, not to mention memory, that being said, in the previous Laptop I had corrupted save games but no so the autosaves. It only had a 4gb ram and an integrated (CPU) video card.
In this run with a new Laptop with 12 cores 16gb ram and a 4gb video card I didn't experienced corruption, but a crash near the end mission (the alien world) but you can skip it easily, just remember to save, not less that twice, beginning of the level and end to prevent losing progress in the case of a crash, you never know when or if it will happen at all.
Oh yeah, use and abuse of the gladiator armor set, (Z for vision modes and X for stealth) and the weapon you recovered in a previous mission (the Pentagon sewers) the Striker.
Also I recommend reading the walk-through if you're stuck or unsure of what to do. And for God's sake do not shoot the prisoner!
DuatDweller on 28/11/2024 at 01:56
Zion Trail, so I had a new game started, and finished Honest Hearts, then went for it, up north there now a wooden bridge over the radioactive pool/crater, but before that there is a camper a little before the bridge, get in search for the holotape log (inside an ammo box) pick it up and you will get a key you'll need to continue your trip.
The only thing I can say is I hope you have time, time and lots of patience to explore the new area, there are at least 2 vaults, go find them.
Well done levels, if not convoluted you will need to rely on your pipboy maps inside the vault and even like that is a confusing layout.
Save before switching levels, as the ghost of the insta crash is always around the corner. Not so often like with other mods that demand too many screen effects at once (see A Quest For Heaven 3 for example).
Something different, well done, enjoy it.
DuatDweller on 9/12/2024 at 21:33
Just played The Canyon lands Updated, nice scenery for a desert, and yes its a deserted desert, no animals, a few rats, maybe 10 tops, no scorpions (ok 6-7) no deathclaws no mole rats maybe 25-40 raiders, and the same quantity of zombies. Plenty of trees and plants and very shallow lakes.
Quests ah, if you consider the only "Humans" that even talk to you are Securitrons with real human faces and names and voices that give you loosely a task, if you get away you might miss their speech (yes you're not engaged in a normal New Vegas conversation style) but stand next to them and they will loop their speech infinitely.
(nope no markers or quests)
You've to be on the lookout for Tables with notes and keys, keep in mind though that no building have inner cells in this two level desert, and there are very few doors/gates that you've to open, in short get crazy hunting around for where the keys belong, because their key names sometimes do not match with what you have on the map.
And FFS, do you yourself a favor and use TMM 1, to enable all markers, you will be grateful you did.
Yes is a classical key/door chase all over the place and it doesn't help that you have no quests and no markers for the goals.
It is a very beautiful place however, if not for the gameplay, for the scenery.
I admit the people faces on the securitrons and their speeches are very well done.
Well actual pictures from real people.
But it falls short because you've to remember on your own the quests.
DuatDweller on 29/12/2024 at 11:52
Just replayed Of Truth And Lies, for NV.
Possible spoilers below. Read only if you find bugs or don't want to lose points with the NCR reputation.
There are issues with killing some dude who is NCR, if you kill him, you net bad karma with the NCR, so since I saved, I reloaded and went for the side mission alternative to killing him, unfortunately the quest never update its status, so I had to do SQT find out the name of the quest and make it complete by setstage 100, the other values did not much of a difference. Shame.
For the rest you must be careful not to get caught by NCR or being seen in the strip, so is either a sword or a silenced pistol.
Also there is an alternative to killing a target in which you might have to choose to snipe an NCR representative or a Scorpion gang member from a distance, to avoid losing NCR fame, I sniped the scorpions dude.
Those are the only fame threats that I could find, is relatively short, but in the final fortress DO NOT bring companions inside, there must be a bug in the Navigational Mesh, since they cannot go further. Leave them outside.
Free Cheyenne Demo.
Well done but small, flat in the sense there is not much to do over there, it didn't caught my attention, so it lasted about ten minutes.
You're supposed to be in Caesar's land, but it doesn't give you the idea of that, rater of another Nevada town.
Christmas Special (New Vegas)
this one NEEDS Frozen World FNV, is a fun Christmas mission with holidays ambient and Nazis, yes, Nazis.
You have to hunt for bit and pieces in old forgotten bunkers, and fight Nazis and the omni present Legion Lesbianaries I mean legionaries.
God knows I love lesbians.
Next on the list
The Rockwell Pursuit, and The Rockwell Descent, I'll report later about it.
To start it go near the Cinema Drive-in near Crescent Canyon.
The Rockwell Pursuit, a bit I admit I didn't used the patch for the broken scripts, I wrongfully believed it was fixed with the latest release, it wasn't, I had to cheat my way of a script block.
All in all long mission, I had once a case of solidity problem with the outside floor, I saved, quit and reloaded, it was fixed that way.
You'll need to save a lot when you're protecting someone, or the quest will fail.
I started the Rockwell Descent, supposed to be played first, I couldn't find a key, I looked everywhere so you'll guess what I had to do.
But I haven't finished yet, I'll come back later.
Well I finished, not much of a novelty, locked door find a key, the usual key/door hunt to an extreme.
All in all was better the follow up, The Rockwell Pursuit.
DuatDweller on 4/1/2025 at 16:54
Chem Control v1.8, make sure you update from 1.7.
Is a nice little mission with a few quests, but is short.
You have to meet Landon in Westside (near casa Madrid) to start the quest.
DuatDweller on 9/1/2025 at 17:49
Project Genesis for Fallout 3, by the same author of DEIMOS for NV.
In the beginning there is not quest, there is a radio signal, you might need to go near Vault 101 or Megaton to listen to message.
Once you have been to the first house, you will get a key for a second house near by, make SURE you look closely for a small button, its activation area is very small, if you miss it, you wont get a quest at all.
I haven't found any bugs so far (nothing major anyway), if O'Neil fails to be a some spot keep going to the quest spot and do what you have to do.
Also when you fast travel to meet again with O'Neil you might have to wait for a few hours for him to get to the destination.
Also there seems to be an incompatibility with A Quest For Heaven, if it 1, 2, or 3, I don't know which one is, just disable it before you mess with the Prometheus Armor Mainframe or pick up the program routines. else is an insta-crash to desktop.
For the rest I suppose there is not much to tell but prepare for trials.
Well done for most part.
DuatDweller on 13/1/2025 at 14:32
Vault 104 for fallout 3, it was in Russian, the only speaking person still talks in Russian, but you can read subtitles, do you?
Anyway once in Vault 104 I failed to find a last password, so I had to unlock a terminal with the console commands, after that to fix the reactor I had to cheat on the quest progress since something didn't trigger properly, if you do cheat on Quests stages save before, and always go for small increments, 10, 20, 30 and so on, stop after a while to see if there is any result.
Maybe I'll go for another run and see if I can progress properly.
DuatDweller on 15/1/2025 at 04:16
The ghoul king for Fallout 3, I recommend this mod. Well done, lots of exploring, some hard ass ghouls to kill.
I tried The Island for Fallout 3, another Russian mod, it was all fine and dandy until I reached the new land, then hang ups and crashes to desktop galore, so I reverted to previous saves and uninstalled, too bad it looked promising.