Just read the news that GSC is closing down. - by 242
242 on 9/12/2011 at 18:00
According to the news, Sergey Grigorovych announced today to GSC employees that the company is closing down.
No other details yet.
Briareos H on 9/12/2011 at 21:49
Hell, they even survived after making Codename: Outbreak, those guys were supposed to be shatter-proof. The STALKER 2 concept sketches were looking nice :(
Anyway, there was a thread about this in gen gaming already.
Dia on 9/12/2011 at 23:05
Awcrap. I'd really like to know how this came about. Like Ostriig, I thought GSC was riding pretty high. And I was sooooo looking forward to Stalker 2. :(
faetal on 12/12/2011 at 11:03
C:O was not too bad if you let yourself get into it. Very slow start, but I really started to enjoy it once it got going. Then it just got too hard for me to carry on. I couldn't go back to it though, as it has aged particularly badly.
Briareos H on 12/12/2011 at 11:32
I liked C:O a lot until I found the game breaking bug in mission 2. Never found a way around it. I have no idea how people managed to finish the game.
faetal on 12/12/2011 at 16:37
I never finished it, but I did get farther than 2 missions in. It does vastly improve as it goes on. I may even download it and play it again and see if I can stomach the visuals at some point.
Dia on 15/12/2011 at 12:08
'According to Ukranews [via NeoGaf] the Ukrainian government was ready to step in and take control of GSC due to financial problems, but the company's owner wasn't going to have any of it. Instead, CEO of GSC, Sergei Grigorovich, has decided to shutdown operations instead of selling the assets to the government. An additional reason for the closure was because Grigorovich wasn't pleased with the direction of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and decided it just wasn't worth fighting for.'
Well, this is only a little more news than before. I'm not the only one waiting to hear what GSC has to say. Sergei, where the hell are you?!