TOOTO on 8/11/2023 at 00:54
This is something I find myself thinking about once or twice a year, and I'd like to hear others' thoughts on the matter. Who would you cast in an adaptation/remake of the original Deus Ex game? Not that Deus Ex needs remaking or adapting, but it's a fun thought experiment.
You can choose any character, major or minor, human or not, from the first video-game. There are only two rules: the actors you choose cannot be dead (I think, then, it would be too easy), and you cannot cast somebody in a role they've already played in the original game. I'll start with a few of my choices:
J.C. Denton (but not Paul) - Dominic West
Walton Simons - Brian Thompson (shapeshifter from The X-Files). I think I chose Julian Sands, R.I.P., something like a year or two ago based on his performance in Warlock.
Stanton Dowd - Willie Nelson
I look forward to seeing your picks :)
Kamlorn on 9/11/2023 at 17:49
Paul - SlyFoxx
Terrorists leader from the first mission - Ross Scott