FatSpy on 5/1/2014 at 00:19
^thanks for the mod suggestions I'm going to look into those.
As far as stealth goes though:
Honestly it's just broken in my opinion. I'm not saying this because it's hard but because it's horribly inconsistent. I've had this inconsistent stuff in all 3 games.
I did the hostage mission in cop and capped a guy in the back of the head who was alone and all the sudden everyone knew exactly where I was even when they had no line of sight on me. I went deeper into the bandits base on a separate save and capped a guy who was within sight of another bandit and the guy just ignored it, walked over and looted his corpse so I shot him to, then 2 more guys showed up and I shot the one in back first then the other one and they didn't detect it.
Clear sky:
I once went in to clear the duty base out at night because I thought it would be fun. First time no one knew anything and I picked guards off at sniping distance with a vintar went inside and cleared out all the guards with a silenced pistol, then I went to replay it by loading a save I made right before I raided the place and somehow they all knew exactly where I was after I sniped the first guy and landed a grenade in my lap from sniping distance even though the first time they had no idea.
As said earlier I can't raid the bandits with a noiseless pistol because they hear me, yet for some reason in the army base I can kill the 3 guards guarding the main building at close range by killing the 2 in front first then the one in the doorway and they wont notice anything.
faetal on 5/1/2014 at 12:35
You know how your PDA map shows a grew dot for dead Stalkers? You know how everyone has a PDA? That sounds like hand-waving, but it also fits. Sometimes suspension of disbelief needs effort.
FatSpy on 5/1/2014 at 14:56
Quote Posted by faetal
You know how your PDA map shows a grew dot for dead Stalkers? You know how everyone has a PDA? That sounds like hand-waving, but it also fits. Sometimes suspension of disbelief needs effort.
Still doesn't explain why I can shoots 3 already hostile freedom guards guarding a door at very close range without any of them noticing, but if I shoot one isolated bandit the rest of them know exactly where I am, or any of the other situations I mentioned earlier.
Honestly it probably was coded like this, not exactly but close to:
In all 3 games people are spawned as groups or by themselves (maybe even in the first one except they didn't show it on the surface) and the second somoene gets shot in that group by the main character if he's within their view distance they all are alerted of what he did as if they all got shot (which ties in why you can shoot people and if you're at sniping distance on soc they wont even notice and be able to snipe people without alerting the other people). In clear skies even if they're out of the view distance they still will get alerted as factions where pretty hardcore in this game and probably where coded more elaborately. Then you get members of a faction that aren't spawned as a group but spawn by themselves for a certain thing (patrolling guard, guard blocking a doorway, etc) that when they are shot no one else acts like they where shot to which is why in some cases you can shoot someone infront of 3 other people and in other cases killing someone completely isolated alerts everyone.
You can try to come up with all the canon explanations but they really aren't probable at all, and this is more thinking about how it was actually programmed. Even my explanation probably has holes in it because it doesn't explain what happened in pripyat.
faetal on 5/1/2014 at 15:16
Oh, I'm sure it's just sketchy programming, I@m just rationalising. If I'm running towards an area with 4 orange / green dots on my radar and one of them turns grey, I know that something has happened and to go check it out. I just imagine the enemy does the same.