FatSpy on 29/12/2013 at 19:12
I'm not asking specifically what there is to do just is there anything else in the vanilla game to go out and look for or does most of the game end with the main quest?
Ombrenuit on 30/12/2013 at 15:07
Ends with the main quest. Loads of mods change that though.
FatSpy on 30/12/2013 at 21:03
I have a separate save right before they lock you in.
I used that to wonder around and do some side quests (basically kill these guys, do this, that mmorpg stuff) but is that all that's there or is there other places to go to besides where the main story takes you?
june gloom on 30/12/2013 at 22:10
That's it.
Muzman on 31/12/2013 at 07:37
Yup; hunting, fetch quests and murder pretty much. They're kinda fun though at times.
Some of the mods make it more interesting. AMK (I think) has weird artifact crafting, which you've got to find the recipes for first, so you've got some spur to look around for rarities and stashes. Some also extend the point of no return so you can wander around the power station exterior and go back again if you want. (others have completely different endings based on the alpha)
The hunting alone is more interesting in SoC than the other two. Which is odd because it has no freeplay mode at all, by default. (I believe they said they would officially add it in a patch eventually. But they said that about a lot of things. Mods picking up the slack didn't give them much incentive to worry about that. And now they're out of business...)
FatSpy on 1/1/2014 at 05:11
That's kinda disappointing, especially since I just played through clear skys and it was awful.
One thing that I liked to do was raid bases at nighttime with a silence pistol and night vision, which could work better in clear skys if the A.I. didn't know exactly where you where if you sniped someone a half a mile away with a vintar and they somehow manage to land a grenade in your lap at sniping distance.
I just went through the first bandit base again at night in SoC with a noiseless pistol and if I shot a bandit isolated by himself they would all know someone was shooting. I don't remember the A.I. being so broken in SoC because I use to do stealth raids on the army base and no one would know where I was even if I shot someone in the head infront of a group of people close range with a silenced pistol (vanilla). I hear there are stealth mods which make them easier to the point where they are just plain retarded. I kinda wish the stealth panned out better in this game it could have been so epic.
faetal on 3/1/2014 at 14:31
That's because a silenced pistol isn't silent, it's just quieter than a non-silenced pistol.
Muzman on 3/1/2014 at 14:59
That and dying people often cry out in some way and fall to the ground. All these sounds are simulated in space. That's why they usually wake everyone up and make stealth seem irrelevant.
Some mods tune it a bit better so it's not so impossible. But it's never like Dishonoured or something where after a time people get bored and go back to what they were doing if you stand still for a while (I'm not actually sure what happens there now I think about it. I think they eventually do this, but the area it all takes place over is much larger. Or something) If you wake dudes up and you can't deal with it, best thing to do is retreat to some distance.
faetal on 3/1/2014 at 15:04
My favourite goofy stealth mechanic is Skyrim. A guard shouting, "Is somebody there?" after an arrow appears to have embedded itself in their liver is pretty janky.
yxlplig on 4/1/2014 at 05:48
Yeah, making a fully functional stealth game out of Stalker is impossible, no mod does it particularly well. Lots of mods try. One of the more popular ones (forget which one) make you nearly invisible in the dark, but once you kill one guy everyone knows where you are. Some mods turn down AI's perception of sound. Basically you can't mod good stealth in without the AI becoming absurdly stupid.
If you're done with the main games unmodded, jump into some mods. If you're interested in stuff outside of the main story, you could try Stalker Soup's Collector Mod, or Sigorous Mod (a Call of Pripyat mod). There's also Priboi Story for SOC.