Komag on 3/5/2024 at 02:02
Yeah, you're right, I can't blame it really. I guess I felt it was TOO faithful to the game, lol
Sulphur on 3/5/2024 at 05:40
Fallout's always been silly and gamey, but also pretty damn sharp if you subtract the Bethesda games and spin-offs. The show's not particularly smart, but it's managed to be fairly good to decent nonetheless because there's some zip and character to its various diversions, and the writers know (mostly) how to keep things trundling along. I'm still a little irritated that they're using FO4's aesthetic of the world being a scrapyard theme park, but I had fun watching it. There's a solid foundation to its goofy edginess, and it works divorced from the games, which is I think the better way to experience it - else I'd be nitpicking it to fucking death.
Renault on 4/5/2024 at 22:39
I'm very much enjoying the show for what it is, really feels true to the games for me. And while I dig the games, I'm not some NMA fanatic, so it's all fine AFAIC.
EXCEPT in Episode 2, when they incinerated the puppy! I was completely horrified and had to take a second to collect myself. Man!
Aja on 7/5/2024 at 19:43
Quote Posted by Sulphur
I'm still a little irritated that they're using FO4's aesthetic of the world being a scrapyard theme park, but I had fun watching it.
You know what? I love Fallout 4's scrapyard theme park aesthetic. I fired it up recently because of the update, and damn if it doesn't feel good to play in a way that 3 and New Vegas don't. I'm still slogging through NV trying to convince myself that I like it, but secretly I'm longing to just abandon it and have fun shooting things in a colourful wasteland with an interesting landmark every 10 steps.
Sulphur on 8/5/2024 at 04:39
Yeah, NV definitely has a lot of trudging in it that I'm not a big fan of. On the other hand, FO4's need to just make a fun world while giving the actual worldbuilding short shrift means that it skews too much to the side of disposable near-braindead action game for me, which combined with Bethesda's poor to inconsistent writing chops is not the reason why I play Fallout. It's a good shootin' game, but that's not really what I want out of the series; I'd like more of the satire and pointed commentary instead, so if it means dragging my feet through the Mojave, I'm okay with that as long as it's not a relentlessly boring experience with no payoff like, say, Desert Bus.