Thirith on 27/8/2016 at 17:37
Thanks to henke, Jeshibu and Malf for a fun session of getting shot, evading the cops and crashing helicopters. Next Saturday: Arma, most likely. Watch this space!
hedonicflux~~ on 29/8/2016 at 05:49
This Arma game I think I could get into.
By coop mission you mean a team of humans vs bots?
Thirith on 29/8/2016 at 06:28
Yup, that's it.
hedonicflux~~ on 29/8/2016 at 07:34
:( we can't play against each other?
Edit: Only for Windows, nevermind ;)
Thirith on 1/9/2016 at 08:16
Saturday afternoon's all right for fighting commie bastards (or American invaders?):
Date: Saturday, 3 September
Time: 4-6pm UK time
Game: Arma 2/Operation Arrowhead
Things to note:
* Bring a headset! We are using Teamspeak 3 to communicate in the game.
* While we're not using any compulsory mods, client-side quality-of-life mods like sthud are allowed.
* Anyone's welcome to join, absolute beginners as well as old hands. Since Arma is a bit fickle, perhaps check out the instructions on the Steam group first or send me a PM.
I'll be online a bit before 4pm to set up the server and check who's on Steam and up for some milsim fun. Hoping to see you there!
P.S.: If anyone new is thinking of joining, could you let me know beforehand? I always try to select a couple of missions for more or less the right number of players.
PigLick on 1/9/2016 at 09:09
I will be trying, but I am not too hopeful about the lag. Anyway worth a shot.
Thirith on 1/9/2016 at 09:10
Fingers crossed! (I've always wanted to see how hard it is to shoot an Australian warping all over the map due to a wonky connection... :p )
henke on 1/9/2016 at 10:05
I may or may not be able to make it.
Thirith on 1/9/2016 at 10:10
Schroedinger's henke... ;) No prob, we'll play it by ear.
Thirith on 3/9/2016 at 17:28
Thanks for a fun, if bloody, Arma session with Jeshibu, Malf and henke, including: blowing up the top of a radar building with grenades because this one guy didn't want to stick his head up and get sniped, Jesh turning creepy ("Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir?") after a non-lethal bullet to the head, and fist-bumps in helicopters. Well, technically, heli-bumps. Also known as mid-air collisions.
Next week (most likely): GTA V. Bring your snacks!