Medlar on 29/2/2016 at 12:40
A thread to contribute to the gathering momentum of comm chat.
Inline Image: MPs branded Donald Trump a "stupid", "dangerous" and foolish "wazzock" who utters "poisonous words" in a debate over whether the US presidential contender should be banned from the UK.
Parliament took up the topic after half a million people signed a petition calling for Trump to be excluded over his call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States in the wake of extremist violence. Trump has also claimed that some areas of Britain are so radicalized that police fear for their lives.
This kind of sums up the UK view of the possible next President of the USA. I can't remember a more negative view of any Presidential candidate and I'm old...
I would like to hear views of Mr Trump from you crazies who I find a good litmus on world politics.
faetal on 29/2/2016 at 12:44
It would be interesting from an anthropological viewpoint to hear from anyone who is pro-Trump.
nobodyinparticular on 29/2/2016 at 14:35
If it stops Hildabeest getting into office then it's a GOOD THING.
Renault on 29/2/2016 at 15:15
On the heels of what icemann said, it is great to see a candidate that isn't a politician, and who doesn't need contributions from corporations and wealthy businessmen to cloud his intentions and agenda. I just wish it was some other candidate.
That said, in case anyone was wondering, I wouldn't vote for him in a million years. I don't like Hilary either, so that doesn't really leave a lot of choices left.
catbarf on 29/2/2016 at 15:47
Quote Posted by Brethren
I don't like Hilary either, so that doesn't really leave a lot of choices left.
Sanders? Maybe? His chances don't look great right now but the alternative is Hillary, and a lot of projections are saying that a Hillary-Trump matchup will very likely result in a Trump victory.
nickie on 29/2/2016 at 15:57
I have a more than negative view of him, Medlar, I find him quite frightening and I'm more than a little worried that he might actually become president.
Phatose on 29/2/2016 at 16:29
He himself isn't a loon. He's a smart businessman who's pitching to the rather large quantity of loons we have in this country.
Pyrian on 29/2/2016 at 16:31
"I'm tired of billionaires running the country by proxy. Let's have one run the country directly!"
Medlar on 29/2/2016 at 16:54
Quote Posted by Pyrian
"I'm tired of billionaires running the country by proxy. Let's have one run the country directly!"
If you can't beat them, vote for them policy. Logical.
Tony_Tarantula on 29/2/2016 at 17:48
Hell. TTLG is falling into the same trap that every mouthbreathing, low-IQ, trailer park moron is making.
Trump is a symptom of a greater problem. The man himself isn't a big deal, and I guarantee you that if not him then it would be someone else. Same way that everyone likes to have an intellectual circle-jerk about what would have happened if Hitler had been killed when it reality it would have made little difference. The economic and political trends in motion dictated the emergence of a nationalist strongman and there were PLENTY of people in Germany suited to fill that role (for starters, any one of Hitler's top lieutenants).
Better explained here: (
have been asked if I really think Trump will be the man to save us. No. I do not believe anyone can do that at this late point in history. Trump's reading of Al Wilson's song “The Snake” is typical and part of the cycle. The state sovereign debt crisis of the mid-19th century was set in motion by Andrew Jackson's war on the Bank of the United States because they funded his opponents. Jackson then destroyed the central bank, which set off the Age of Broken Banknotes. The Panic of 1837 became the Depression of the 1840s, and then states issued bonds to try to bailout their banks and then they defaulted. To this date, the Bank of England still has on its books bonds issued by States that they never paid on.
The economic pressures of that period produced the very same human response to immigration. Then it was the Irish. The movement against immigrants erupted into gun battles on the streets of Philadelphia in 1844 known as the Nativism Riots. These “native” Americans (white original immigrants) were against all immigrants as they felt they were taking their jobs. So Trump's reading of “The Snake” is PRECISELY in line with history and is reflecting the very issue that is argued for the BREXIT by one side: STOP THE MIGRANTS.