Ania on 5/2/2003 at 19:57
Yes. Or so it seems. I am not too impressed with her.
Now, is she planning to stop, or do I have to stop her?
What would happen if I went back to the ashstorm machine and turned it off before being instructed to do so?
Was there a way to NOT kill the missing Hand? I tried calming him, but it did not work. He still wouldn't talk to me.
And where am I supposed to 'find out more about Almalexia' for King Helseth?
Jordana Chal on 5/2/2003 at 23:43
I won't spoiler you too much, but suffice it to say that Tribunal's main quest is not open-ended at're given very little choice (well no choice really) in the path you follow. Just keep doing Almalexia's dirty work for her (I know, it's distasteful but it's the only way to finish the game) You're in for a surprise at the ending, I think ;)
I have no idea what would happen if you went back and turned off the ashstorm could try it but I don't think it'll have any effect on the eventual outcome, which, like I said, is fixed no matter what you do. Almalexia won't send you to turn it off, as it happens...someone else (not you) has to stop the storms in the end.
Also, there's no way to avoid killing the missing Hand, unfortunately. As for Helseth's quests, that part confused me too....I kept running back to him with more info, only to be told to come back when I'd found out more. You just have to follow Alma's quests and when you've done them all and resolved everything with Her, go back to Helseth and talk to him. He won't actually have anything more for you to do, but talking with him sort of wraps everything up.
BTW, what did you think of Helseth? Foxy isn't he? ;)
Ania on 6/2/2003 at 00:51
Helseth is rather handsome, although not quite scruffy enough for my taste. That beard is a bit too neatly trimmed.
As to Almalexia, I suppose I'll continue being her dog. Or bitch, more accurately. I might commit some gratuitous violence on her later.
Meanwhile, Russian was requested, so here goes:
Spasibo, Jordy! (which is a contracted form of spasi Bog, meaning '[may] God save [you]')
Jordana Chal on 6/2/2003 at 01:19
Originally posted by Ania Helseth is rather handsome, although not quite scruffy enough for my taste. That beard is a bit too neatly trimmed.Bet you're a LoTR Aragorn fan ;)
As to Almalexia, I suppose I'll continue being her dog. Or bitch, more accurately. I might commit some gratuitous violence on her later.
Meanwhile, Russian was requested, so here goes:
Spasibo, Jordy! (which is a contracted form of spasi Bog, meaning '[may] God save [you]')
Aaah :) Any time!
Striker on 6/2/2003 at 01:21
I'm not quite up to the Almalexia quests just yet. So far I haven't had to do anything that is against my character's Morals. (i.e. Kill anyone that didn't attack me first. ;) ) I even managed to swindle my way out of the 'Three Writs' quest, which was great! :D
And no, I don't think Helseth is foxy at all. Perhap's it's just me! :P
Jordana Chal on 6/2/2003 at 01:34
Originally posted by Striker
And no, I don't think Helseth is foxy at all. Perhap's it's just me! :P
Well I'd have to see a photo of you before I could pass comment on that :cheeky:
Ania on 6/2/2003 at 01:35
Bet you're a LoTR Aragorn fan
Yes. And most of the rest of the cast too. Bring 'em on, elf, orc and man! (though not hobbit or dwarf, I'm afraid)
[down, girl! behave, now!]
Jordana Chal on 6/2/2003 at 01:39
Originally posted by Ania Jordy:
Yes. And most of the rest of the cast too. Bring 'em on, elf, orc and man! (though not hobbit or dwarf, I'm afraid)
[down, girl! behave, now!]
Ania ORC?????
*swallows nervously*
I really wish TTLG had live chat. It would be great fun, when we're all on at the same time, to have these conversations directly rather than posting replies all the time. It feels more like a proper conversation that way.
Ania on 6/2/2003 at 01:57
I think I'd rather have time to edit my posts before posting them- I have been known to change my mind about content. And I can't touch-type.
Now, the orc thing. All my friends thought I was sick. Except one, who was relieved- as was I- at not being the only one. We found others since.
The object of our unnatural desire was the uruk-hai in LotR 1- the one who slew Boromir.
I doubt I'll convert you, somehow. Which one was your favourite LotR man?
Jordana Chal on 6/2/2003 at 02:13
Originally posted by Ania Now, the orc thing. All my friends thought I was sick. Except one, who was relieved- as was I- at not being the only one. We found others since.
The object of our unnatural desire was the uruk-hai in LotR 1- the one who slew Boromir. Oh, you mean Lurtz....well....OK I have to admit to having similar thoughts in passing :) I
was disappointed when he was killed so brutally. The other orcs just don't have it :) I'm also relieved to know others are on my (bizarre) wavelength :)
Hey, on that subject, what d'you think of Darth Maul from Star Wars?